General properties

The main characteristic of the objectStructure is the presence of the object entity. In addition, all relevant entities are available to elaborate on any aspects of related information to the described object. Within the context of AFD, an object is in general an insured or financed object.

Mandatory components

The table below contains the mandatory entities and attributes of the objectStructure. Please note: these are only the mandatory components; in this case only the presence of an object. In many functions and messages, the message will be more extensive, including (nested) party, object and coverage entities, and often a commonFunctional entity for meta-data. More information about functions related to object is available in chapter Domain specific functions under Object.

See AFD 2.0 Online for the complete and up-to-date data catalog with all entities, entityTypes and attributes, associated with the objectStructure. More documentation on the use of SIVI AFS is available in chapter Where to find elements of SIVI AFS. A general description of AFD structures is provided in the introduction to AFD structures, while information on details of AFD structures is available in chapter Where to find details about AFD structures.

Name Occur. Type Description
objectStructure 1..1 entity Structure of object related data, based on AFD attributes.
object 1..n entity The main entity of the object structure.
entityType 1..1 string Unique identification of an entity.

JSON example

Below is an example of an objectStructure, with entity object and entityType motorVehicle. Note that at the top level within JSON, the objectStructure entity is not explicitly mentioned. In XML, the structure is always explicitly defined (as objectStructure) at the highest level.

	"commonFunctional": [ {
		"entityType": "default",
		"dataCatalogVersion": "35E"
	} ],
	"object": [ {
		"entityType": "motorVehicle",
		"make": "Ford",
		"constructionYear": "2003",
		"purchaseAmount": 22098.21,
		"licensePlate": "SIVI20"


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