This manual is the first place of information for users of the AFD, API-framework and AFD-definitions. If information is missing or something is unclear, please contact or call within office hours (030) 698 80 90.
Requests for changes and additions
The All Finance Data model is subject to change as a result of (for example) developments in legislation and new regulation for financial services. Changes and additions to the AFD are implemented by SIVI in accordance with the AFD management procedure. The latest and actual version of the AFD is published on the SIVI website every month. Organizations affiliated with SIVI and suppliers cooperating with SIVI (suppliers authorized to use the AFD) can submit a formal request to SIVI for the functional modification of – or an addition to – the AFD data catalog. Several changes can be proposed per request and there are no restrictions on the number of requests that can be made per party. Proposals will only be considered if such a request is clear and enforceable, and if the request does not conflict with other proposals. Requests will be processed by SIVI in order of arrival.
Requests can be made with the form ‘Formulier voor aanvragen wijziging AFD 2.0’. Questions can be made with the form ‘Formulier voor vragen SIVI AFS’. Both forms are available via the SIVI AFS website.
All downloads can be found on the landing page on the SIVI website about SIVI AFS. The following downloads are offered:
- Paper Introduction SIVI AFS: a PDF file containing information (in Dutch) about the All Finance Standard
- AFD 2.0 Master table: an Excel file with all entities and attributes in AFD 2.0. All attributes have descriptions, data types, codelists and the entityTypes under which they occur.
- AFD 1.0 – 2.0 Mapping table: a JSON and a XML file containing the mapping for existing AFD 1.0 attributes and entities to their AFD 2.0 equivalents and vice versa.
- Datacatalog: JSON files and JSON scheme with all entities, attributes and codelists in AFD 2.0.
- AFS Release Notes: an Excel file with the latest additions, modifications and deletions in AFD 2.0.
- SIVI AFS Magazines: a periodical digital magazine, specifically for SIVI AFS users (in Dutch).
With AFD APIs, it is possible to retrieve AFD-related data through APIs. For example the content of a codelist, all attributes under a certain entityType or the interpretation of a certain structure. The AFD APIs are currently still under development and will be available in due time.
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