Request for a url to initiate a browser session with prefilled data.

Access to the API and the URLs provided through the API is subject to adequate security measures for authentication and authorization according to the guidelines given in the Security chapter. Note that the URL is a deeplink.
Any outcome of the browser session, for example a dataset and/or a pdf file, can be sent to the initiating party directly (submitMessage) or through a message exchange platform. This is however not part of the scope of this function.

This function helps avoid manual and double entries and can be used in many places in the chain, for example when giving advice or making an application.

If any problems are encountered, an error message is returned, see the error section below.

How to use variants

If you want to start a session, choose the operation initiate. Only one variant is applicable for initiatie session (the variant default).

The response header contains the URL and has no body section if no errors occurred.
Example: https://api.[host-domain]/process?processId=edcc3ac1-7329-490f-97da-d8293fccc00e

If a negative response is generated, that means the request is technically incorrect, it follows the general rules as described in the Error section of the Status codes and error handling chapter.


Variant Description claim
<default> Request for a url to initiate a browser session with prefilled data. U/C U/C U/C U/C U/C

U/C: Under construction.

<default> – Request for a url to initiate a browser session with prefilled data

The variant default request for a url to initiate a browser session with prefilled data, using one of the structures shown in the table Endpoint definition.

Endpoint definition
Method Endpoint Request Query
Response Remarks
POST { uri } /claims/initiate-session claimStructure N/A URL
POST { uri } /policies/initiate-session policyStructure N/A URL
POST { uri } /pensions/initiate-session pensionStructure N/A URL
POST { uri } /loans/initiate-session loanStructure N/A URL
POST { uri } /parties/initiate-session partyStructure N/A URL

Mandatory input and/or output (I/O) attributes
Entity Attribute I/O Remarks
commonFunctional dataCatalogVersion I Version of the data catalog on which the message is based.
commonFunctional functionVariant I The function variant is used to determine the additional set of required and optional input and output data.
commonFunctional afdDefinitionName I Name of the AFD-definition.
commonFunctional afdDefinitionVersion I Version of the AFD-definition.

Note: since the attribute “entityType” is mandatory for all used structures, it is not mentioned in this table for clarity reasons.


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