Entity: commonTechnical

The commonTechnical entity covers all information about sending or storing the message. This is typically technical information, while the commonFunctional entity primarily provides domain-specific message-related meta-data.

Example usage

Below is an example commonTechnical entity, filled with some attributes. See AFD 2.0 Online for the complete and up-to-date data catalog with all available entity types and associated attributes listed under the commonTechnical entity. More documentation on the use of SIVI AFS is available in chapter Where to find elements of SIVI AFS.

	"commonTechnical": [ {
		"entityType": "default",
		"messageVersion": "107",
		"creationDate": "2022-09-01",
		"creationTime": "08:05:19",
		"systemEnvironment": "P",
		"transactionReference": "0571109lka",
		"registrationDate": "2022-10-01",
		"sendingMethod": "R"
	} ]

Entity types

There are no entity types within the commonTechnical entity. Entities without an entity type always use “default” as the value for the mandatory entityType attribute (see example above). Most of the attributes from the commonTechnical entity correspond to the AL entity from AFD 1.0.


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