The following tags belong to the “nodes” object, and must be written inside a section for “nodes” (See the first section (Object) of General Object Tags)

{#objects}{#nodes} {sequenceNumber}{name} {/object}{/objects}

Nodes are the individual flow objects within the process.

Relevant tags for flow objects are listed below and include

  • General flow object information (flow object name, description, type, etc)
  • IPLs
  • Events
  • Sub-Processes and Tasks
  • Gateways
  • Flow object analysis information


Tag Description
{graphNodeType} The type of flow object (event, gateway or activity)
{nodeType} The type of flow object (more specific than graphNodeType)
{name} The name of the flow object
{sequenceNumber} The sequence number of the flow object
{annotation} The annotation attached to the flow object
{#boundaryEvents}{eventType}{/boundaryEvents} The event type of the boundary event
{#boundaryEvents}{characteristic}{/boundaryEvents} The characteristic of the boundary event
{#boundaryEvents}{description}{/boundaryEvents} The description of the boundary event
{#boundaryEvents}{#boundaryTargets}{name}{/boundaryTargets}{/boundaryEvents} Name of the boundary event’s target
{#boundaryEvents}{#boundaryTargets}{nodeType}{/boundaryTargets}{/boundaryEvents} Type of the boundary event’s target
{#boundaryEvents}{#boundaryTargets}{sequenceNumber}{/boundaryTargets}{/boundaryEvents} Sequence number of the boundary event’s target
{#templaterProcesses}{#nodes}@@richTextDescription:{nodeId}@@{/nodes}{/templaterProcesses} Flow Object description


Tag Description
{#processLinks}{#followingGraphNodes}{name}{/followingGraphNodes}{/processLinks} The name of the proceeding flow object in map of the target
{#processLinks}{#followingGraphNodes}{nodeType}{/followingGraphNodes}{/processLinks} The type of the proceeding flow object in the map of the target
{#processLinks}{#targetGraphNode}{name}{/targetGraphNode}{/processLinks} The name of the flow object that the IPL is pointing to
{#processLinks}{#targetGraphNode}{nodeType}{/targetGraphNode}{/processLinks} The type of flow object that the IPL is pointing to (start, end)
{#processLinks}{#targetProcess}{name}{/targetProcess}{/processLinks} The name of the target process
{#processLinks}{#targetProcess}{nodeType}{/targetProcess}{/processLinks} The type of the target process (the type will always be process)


Tag Description
{characteristic} The characteristic of the event
{eventType} The BPMN type of the event

Sub-Processes & Tasks

Tag Description
{actvityType} The type of activity (process or subprocess)
{loopCharacteristic} The activity’s loop type (loop, sequential, parallel)
{compensationProcess} Boolean value for whether the activity is compensating
{adHocTask} Boolean value for whether the activity is ad hoc
{taskType} For tasks only – the type of task (manual, user, script, service, etc)


Tag Description
{gatewayType} The BPMN type of the gateway

Flow Object Analysis Tags

Tag Description
{averageActualTime} Average actual time for the flow object
{averageWaitingTime} Average waiting time for the flow object
{averageInventoryTime} Average inventory time for the flow object
{averageTransportTime} Average transport time for the flow object
{averageChangeOverTime} Average change over time for the flow object
{cost} Cost of execution for the flow object
{averageActiveOperators} Average Active Operators
{averageExecutions} Average Executions


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