This knowledge base article will guide users on how to download and manage the Products form from the PRISM Joomla Website.


To download the products form, click Download Excel


On the pop up window, select the download option and then click on Download.


Download Options

1. Download Template with selected products – This will dowload the product form with preselected products from the PRISM Joomla Website.
2. Download Empty – This will download a blank product form. Typically used by new customers to upload their product items on the PRISM Joomla Website.

Save the form on your computer. Now you can start to fill out the form to add your product items ( see field definitions ).


Product Field Definitions


ItemCode: Mandatory: Holds the item code. (Characters up to 50). Each code must me unique.
Barcode: Optional: Holds the secondary code (or UPC) of the product. Although not required, it is recommendedthat each barcode is unique. The majority of our apps, when searching or scanning will first look for the Item Code then for the Barcode. Characters up to 50
+Description +: Mandatory: Holds the description of the product. Characters up to 80
MinOrderQty: Optional. Holds the minimum quantity a product is sold. If no minimum quantity is specified, most apps in the Prism suite will default the minimum order qty to 1. Numeric, decimals allowed
UnitPrice: Mandatory: Holds the price (unit price/price level 1) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
Comment: Optional: Additional information concerning the product: Characters up to 50
CasePack: Optional: Specifies the case quantity a product is sold for (e.g. case of 10). Numeric, decimals allowed
Catalog: Optional: Specifies the Main Category the product belongs to (e.g. Kitchen, Summer, etc.). Characters upto 50
PR2: Optional: Holds the price (price level 2) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR3: Optional: Holds the price (price level 3) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR4: Optional: Holds the price (price level 4) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
Download Excel ( Products Form ) – 4 BarcodeA pps © 2016
PR5: Optional: Holds the price (price level 5) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR6: Optional: Holds the price (price level 6) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR7: Optional: Holds the price (price level 7) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR8: Optional: Holds the price (price level 8) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR9: Optional: Holds the price (price level 9) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PriceOther1: Optional: Price for a case. Numeric, decimals allowed
DueDate: Optional: Expected date if not in stock. Characters up to 20
Exp1: Optional: Specifies if the product is taxable for tax type 1 (1 for True and 0 for False)
Exp2: Optional: Specifies if the product is taxable for tax type 2 (1 for True and 0 for False)
WHSE: Optional: Specifies the warehouse the product belongs to. Characters up to 6
+TempOnHand +: Optional: Specifies the quantity available of the product in stock. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR10: Optional: Holds the price (price level 10) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR11: Optional: Holds the price (price level 11) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR12: Optional: Holds the price (price level 12) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR13: Optional: Holds the price (price level 13) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR14: Optional: Holds the price (price level 14) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR15: Optional: Holds the price (price level 15) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR16: Optional: Holds the price (price level 16) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR17: Optional: Holds the price (price level 17) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR18: Optional: Holds the price (price level 18) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR19: Optional: Holds the price (price level 19) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
PR20: Optional: Holds the price (price level 20) for the product. Numeric, decimals allowed
UOM: Optional: Holds the unit of measure (primary) for the product. Characters up to 50
Style: Optional. Holds the value of a style a product can belong to (one dimensional or two dimensional matrixes).
Characters up to 20
SuggestedOrder: Optional: Holds the quantity that the manufacturer can specify as suggested ordering quantity.Integer numbers NO decimals
StyleColor: Optional: Specifies an alternate image name for the product in case the ItemCode has somecharacters that Windows does not allow as file names (e.g. 100.001). Characters up to 50
isParent: Optional: Specifies if a product is a parent of a subset of products for the Parent/Child logic on Prism for iPad. Boolean (1 for TRUE/0 for FALSE) Only
ParentCategory: Optional: Specifies the subcategory a product can belong to. Used for the auto category creation logic in Prism desktop. Characters up to 100
isProduct: Mandatory: Specifies if a product is an actual product (True) or if it part of the Size/Frame functionality (False or Null) logic on Prism for iPad. Boolean (1 for TRUE/0 for FALSE) Only

BarcodeApps © 2016


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