(a) Standard boat racing rules shall apply. The length of the course may be shortened (refer Short Course Distances Clause 5.4) by way of entry circular.
(b) In boat relay races there is an increased potential for boats on the course interfering with others in the race because of the three legs that comprise each race.
(c) Unless very favourable weather and water conditions exists the maximum number of teams to compete in any one heat, round or final of the relay race in each race shall be five teams. Teams shall use alternate buoy positions i.e. positions 1, 3, 5, 7and 9.
(d) If favourable weather and water conditions permit the Referee or Boat Referee may, based on their assessment, allow up to a maximum of seven teams to compete in any one heat, round or final of the relay race.
(e) Each racing position shall have two beach flags (corresponding to the colour of the teams turning buoy) positioned 15m from the water’s edge and approximately 5m apart. The beach flags shall be the start/finish line for each leg of the race and finish point for the race for each team. The flags for all teams should normally be placed in a straight line across the whole of the area.
(f) The standard boat in-water finishing flags shall be placed in the water at either side of the course as per conventional races. All boats must start and cross within these flags for the finish of each leg of the relay race.