(a) SLSA shall, in accordance with its constitutions, promulgate from time to time regulations or other guidelines which shall apply to sponsorship identification in relation to general display, dress, SLSA equipment, etc.

(b) The Competition Committee, Referee, Sectional Referee or Chief Scrutineer may order the removal or covering of any sign writing, logos, or corporate identification on either clothing or equipment which is deemed “not in good taste”, or is in conflict with SLSA’s Competition Sponsorship Policy. Note: “not in good taste” means: portrays, or has the potential of portraying SLSA in a detrimental, prejudicial or unfavourable manner or in a manner which degrades or has the potential to degrade the reputation, values or the fundamental integrity and identity of SLSA and surf lifesaving.

(c) Refusal to comply with any direction for removal or the covering of such items shall result in the equipment or clothing being banned from the competition arena.