From ROB-EX Scheduler v6.4.1.814 we provide new versions of <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Gantt.exe and <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Viewer.exe which will automatically cache data on the user’s local pc during startup. This decreases the startup speed, but most importantly also fixes issues with NoClassErrors, because of an unstable connection to the windows network file share (has typically been a problem for Wifi-connected ROB-EX Desktop Client’s).

Caching will only happen when the ROB-EX Desktop Client is started across a network connection (i.e. not from a fixed hard drive).

Two types of files are being cached

  • A possible embedded Java Runtime
  • The core class libraries (jar files) used by the ROB-EX Desktop Client.

During each startup of <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Gantt.exe or <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Viewer.exe, the local cache is compared to the remote files. In case of no difference no copying is performed.

Solving problems with startup caching

If you experience any problems with ROB-EX Scheduler Client being unable to start, you may follow the suggestions below to debug the problem

Is “Startup Caching” supported

Make sure the versions you have of <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Gantt.exe or <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Viewer.exe support startup caching. To verify then start with the command line option


Startup caching is only supported for versions of the launchers having 1.013 or higher. If your launcher has a version no. being lower, then upgrade to ROB-EX Scheduler v6.4.1.814 using the supplied Client Installer.

Turning startup caching off

<sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Gantt.exe or <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Viewer.exe may be started with the command line option


to turn off startup caching. Note that startup will become slower, as both a possible embedded Java Runtime and the class files needs to be pulled down from network share on each startup.

Testing the startup

<sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Gantt.exe or <sch_client_dir>\bin\ROB-EX Viewer.exe may be started with the command line option


Instead of starting the ROB-EX Scheduler Client, you will during startup be informed about what Java version the launcher will be using.


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