Creating and editing views

Views define what resources are currently visible in the Gantt chart and in what sequences they are shown. Users may create their own views.

In ROB-EX you will find 4 built in views:

Standard (CTRL + 1)
The standard view shows all resources and is the default view.
Allocated to (CTRL + 2)
Shows the resources that are allocated to the selected production order. The order is selected by marking one or more operations in the order. It is possible to toggle between two states in this view. If the shortcut (CTRL + 2) is selected again, resources from connected orders will also be shown.
Can be allocated to (CTRL + 3)
Shows the resources that can be allocated to the selected production order. Alternative resources are also shown. The order is selected by marking one or more operations in the order.
Reduce to selected (CTRL + 4)
Only resources for currently selected operations will be visible

A new user defined view is created this way. Open the View preferences dialog by selecting the menu “Edit->Views” or by right clicking above the view selector in the bottom left of the main ROB-EX Scheduler window and select “Preferences”.

To create a new view or copy an existing view

  1. select the view you would like to copy – then press the “Copy” button.
  2. enter a meaningful name for the view and click Ok
  3. choose whether the view applies to all plans or just current plan
  4. choose the layout
  5. choose whether you want to show Workload graph and/or Manpower graph
  6. from column “Show” remove the check mark for resources you do not want to show in the new view
  7. change the sequence they are shown in by selecting one or more resource row(s) and move row(s) up/down using the arrow up/down buttons in the right hand side of the window.
  8. set check marks in the column “Adjust lines” if the number of lines shown for each resource should be increased automatically.
  9. click “Ok” to save the changes.

The new view now appears in the choose list in the bottom left corner of the Gantt chart – select the new view to activate it.

Note that Views are also used as a filtering mechanism when printing reports.

Options available when copying or editing a view – General pane

Name: The name of the view
Type: Resource
Association: Current plan: The view is saved with the plan, hence it can be used by all users.
All plans on this PC: Locally saved view, only available to local user.
Views of association type “Current plan” are generally recommended, since these views are available to all users opening this plan. However for ROB-EX Viewer this view type cannot be saved, so when creating views meant to be used with ROB-EX Viewer we recommend that ROB-EX Planner is used to create these views. If association is defined as “All plans on this PC” you can then copy the file
C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\robex\ganttPlanner\
(where is the username for the local user) to the same folder on the viewer PC. The views created in the Planner are now available in the viewer.
Layout: Select the layout to use in the view. Layouts are created as described below in “ p(#Change-layout0). href=”#Change_layout”>Change layout for text above operation bar”
View Folder: Links the view to the selected material view folder. When the view is selected the specified material view is also automatically selected.
(A new material view folder can be created via “Edit->Views->Material views”)
Fold/unfold resource groups: Toggles whether resource groups can be folded and unfolded.
Avoid label overlap: If “adjust lines” has been selected on a resource with this setting enabled, operations will be moved to separate lines, as soon as the labels above the operations overlap.
Hide recurring labels Hides the operation label if the previous visible label was identical.
Hide resources in teams: Hides resources in teams.
Show Workload graph: Option to “show” or “hide” the Workload graph. This can be set 3 places, if “default” is selected the highest priority setting takes control. The priority order from highest to lowest is:
  1. Edit -> Views -> Edit -> General -> “Show Workload graph”
  2. View -> select “Workload graph”
  3. Right-click a material view -> “Show workload graph”
Show Manpower graph: Option to “show” or “hide” the Manpower graph. This can be set 2 places, if “default” is selected the highest priority setting takes control. The priority order from highest to lowest is:
  1. Edit -> Views -> Edit -> General -> “Show Manpower graph”
  2. Right-click a material view -> “Show manpower graph”

Options available when copying or editing a view – Time folding pane

Days visible: Deselect days that should not be visible in the view. Note that the consequence of this setting will only show, when the Gantt chart is zoomed to display with a detail of “Days”
Hours visible: Specify the hour interval that is displayed in the view. Note that the consequence of this setting will only show, when the Gantt chart is zoomed to display with a detail of “Hours”
Hidden width(px): Days and/or hours that are not visible, will be replaced with a vertical bar. Specify the width of the bar in pixels here.
Hidden color: Days and/or hours that are not visible, will be replaced with a vertical bar. Set the color of the bar here.

Change layout for text above operation bar

The text and shown above each operation bar in the Gantt chart can be set individually for each view.

It is possible to select between text from a number of different fields such as product name, customer name etc.

  1. Select Views in the Edit menu
  2. Select the “Edit” button next to the label “View layout”
  3. Create a new layout: press the Copy button and enter a new name for the layout.
  4. Select the attributes to be shown in the list on the left hand side.
  5. Press the button “Arrow to the right” to assign the attributes to the layout.
  6. Change the order of the attributes using the arrows up and down.
  7. Save the layout by pressing the Ok button.
  8. Connect the layout to a view: Select the view in the window “View preferences” and press the Edit button.
  9. In the Edit view window select the layout in the list Layout. Save it by pressing Ok.

Change size of text shown on the operation bar

Change the font size at the bottom of the window “View layout”.

The “View layout” window is opened by pressing the button Edit next to “View layout” in the window View preferences”.

The standard font size is 9.

Change the height of the operation bar

Change the height of the operation bar in the window “View layout”.

The “View layout” window is opened by pressing the button Edit next to “View layout” in the window View preferences”.

The standard height is 10.


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