With the operation level efficiency field, it is possible to allocate more or less workload per operation in the open periods of the resource calendars. This is useful if you as an example schedule for a labor group, where you need more or less than a single person to execute the operation.

You can edit the operation efficiency

  • In the window Edit operation on the Times tab.
  • or by adding the Operation.efficiency column to the operation list in Edit routes or Order list


“Opr3” on resource “Res 3” is set to a work load of 8 hours. The resource has an open resource calendar Monday to Friday 7.00 until 15.00 (8 hours).

In the example shown above, the operation-efficiency is set to 1.0 (100%). With a calendar open 8 hours a day, all 8 hours can be executed on the April 30..

If the operation-efficiency is changed to 0.5. I.e. an operator only need to be available on average 50% of the time. The workload graph now shows:

The duration for the operation is extended. Now the operations ends May 1st at 15:00 and not as before April 30. at 15:00. Please note that the workload is now only 4 hours per day.

The operation-efficiency is changed to 2.0. I.e. we need two operators on average. The workload picture now looks like this:

The operation now ends after 4 hours (April 30. at 11:00) and the workload of 8 hours are booked during this period.

A new operation on the same resource and with the same operation-efficiency is scheduled in the same way.

The load of the resource is now 16 hours on the April 30. Note that with operation efficiency above 1, you would normally also increase the resource calendar factor. Also observer the resource level setting Strict calendar factor, which will direct scheduling rules regarding how strict the calendar factor and operation efficiency should be enforced.


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