Mark an operation in the Gantt chart and see detailed information about the selected operation, order, and project

The panel is activated/deactivated in the menu View.


Name Shows the name of the selected operation.
Res. Shows which resource has been assigned for this operation.

The field contains a dropdown-list, supporting moving the operation to a different resource

  1. Select the operation to be moved.
  2. Select the resource in the resource list to which the operation is to be moved. It is only possible to select another resource if there are alternative resources within the same operation. Please refer to chapter Solving my first scheduling problem for guidance.

    Resources marked with red in the resource list, indicate that moving the selected operation to this resource results in an overlap with an existing operation.

    Note that a resource may also be changed for an operation by

Start Scheduled start time for the selected operation.

It is possible to edit the field.
End Scheduled end time for the selected operation.

It is possible to edit the field.
Status Shows the status of the selected operation.

Change status of an operation, e.g. that the operation has been started or reported finished. It is only possible to change the status of an operation that is included in order ready to be started in the production, i.e. orders having the status “Start possible” or “Started”.

It is possible to state that the operation has been started, finished, put on standby, or canceled.

Please refer to chapter Editing operation details for further details.
Wl Shows the workload of the operation.

The number of processing or work hours for the operation. It is possible to edit the field.

Please refer to chapter Editing operation details for more details about workload.
Dur. Shows for how long time the operation will occupy the resource.

I.e. this includes periods where the shift calendar is not open.

Please refer to chapter Editing operation details for more details about duration.
Price Shows the turnover this operation generates.

The turnover for the selected operation can be edited in this field. The turnover for operations in orders connected to a project and an economy account can be accumulated per week, month or year and shown in the economy overview.
Only with ROB-EX Project
Operation text line It is possible to enter a text for each operation.

The text will be shown as a note when the mouse cursor is placed over an operation in the plan. Furthermore, the text is shown in the operation text line when an operation is marked in the Gantt chart.

The operation text line is activated in the menu Menu->The Views menu->Detail panel->Operation text.

Production order

Field Explanation
Name Shows order number of the selected production order

The field is not editable.
Product The item number or name of the article to be produced in this production order.

The field is not editable.
Mat. Material date
Used as the earliest start time of the “Forward from Material date” scheduling strategy.

Production orders starting earlier than the specified material date, are visualized in the Gantt chart with the flag “M” or the color yellow if respectively the functions Milestone flags or Milestone color have been activated.

The field is editable.
Del. Delivery date
The date and time of delivery states when the production order is to be delivered.

Production orders exceeding the time of delivery are visualized in the Gantt chart with the flag “D” or the color red if respectively the functions Milestone flags or Milestone color have been activated.

The field is editable.
Status Shows status for the selected production order.

Status can be altered by selecting in the list. Status is altered from “Released” to “Start possible” by ticking off the box “precondition”.

Orders with the status “Start possible” can be started in production.
Qty. Shows a number of units to be produced in the current production order.

The field is editable.
P All preconditions of this order have been met and the production order is ready to be started

The preconditions can e.g. be that blueprints, cnc-files, work instructions, or something similar are ready.

If the precondition box of the order has been ticked off, the order automatically changes the status to “Start possible” when the order is released for production.

In the menu Functions->Settings->General->Standard a function that sets the Precondition flag automatically when on order is created can be activated.

In the window “Edit order” the precondition flag can be set when an order is manually created.


When the project module activated a project line is added to the detail panel. The Project line shows details for the project which the selected operation is connected to.

Please refer to chapter Projects for further description.

Only with Project module

Field Explanation
No. Shows the project number for the project the selected operation is connected to.
The field can not be edited.
Name The project name for the project the selected operation is connected to.
The field can not be edited.
Start Start shows the earliest start date for the project.
The start date is entered in the window “Edit project”. The Start date is not automatically adjusted even if the scheduling of the orders in the project causes the dates of the project to be exceeded.

The field can be edited.
Due date Shows the due date for the project.
The due date can be entered in the window “Edit project”. The Due date is not automatically adjusted even if the scheduling of the orders in the project causes the dates of the project to be exceeded.

The field can be edited.
Status Shows the actual state of the project.
Select another state of the project by selecting it in the list. It is possible to select between Ordered, New, Reserved, and Completed.
Account Shows which economy account the project is connected to.
Account to be edited in the “Edit economy” window. Please refer to chapter Projects.


Please refer to chapter Manpower Planner for further description.

Only with ROB-EX Manpower Planner

Field Explanation
Base Shows the number of human resources for the selected operation.
Mark an operation in the Gantt plan and enter the number of human resources for the operation.

Below the Gantt plan the manpower graph shows number of human resources accumulated per. hour, day or week.
Opr.Eff Shows the current value of the operation efficiency
Shown because it is supported to synchronize the operation efficiency and the base manpower.

Note this field is editable.
Actual Shows the current value of the operation efficiency
The actual manpower can vary from the base manpower depending on the Resource setting Synchronize Manpower and Efficiency


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