
Renewable energy assemblies and infrastructure must provide additionality, i.e., create new renewable energy capacity that would not otherwise exist but for the actions of and investments attributed to the project. Each project has to be directly responsible for the creation of renewable energy infrastructure even if it is placed in another location (see Scale Jumping if pursuing I08 – Net Positive Carbon).

Claimed renewable energy systems cannot pre-date the project unless it can be demonstrated that:

  • Systems were pre-planned for utilization and attribution to additional buildings; and
  • Attribution to the project does not displace the utilization or attribution of those resources by another project. Existing buildings may count renewables that were already serving the project as long as attribution to the project doesn’t displace existing claims for any shared renewables.

Allowed Sources

Renewable energy is defined as passive solar, photovoltaics, solar thermal, wind turbines, water-powered microturbines, direct geothermal, or fuel cells powered by hydrogen generated from renewably powered electrolysis. Project teams proposing to use a renewable energy technology other than what is indicated here must submit a Request for Ruling for preapproval. It is not acceptable to measure a project’s performance by including the savings from another building that is outside the project boundary or the scope of the certification without a relevant Exception.


Renewables for the project must be shown to be solely attributed to the project (not double-counted), through ownership or contractual agreement, for a period of at least 15 years from the date of construction completion. Payment for the renewable energy claimed, if not provided from the owner, must be made on behalf of the project.

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) within attribution:

  • Must be maintained by project.
  • Cannot be sold or transferred, or claimed by another project.
  • Cannot be purchased to qualify for Net Positive.
  • May not be purchased to satisfy energy reduction targets.
  • Third-party ownership of PV is allowed, as long as it is feeding the project directly and the contract is 15 years minimum.

On-site Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources are to be located within the Project Area unless the project is Scale Jumping or meets an Exception.

Regulatory Barriers

If project teams face regulatory barriers, such as net-metering limitations, they may be eligible to pursue a relevant Exception.