I10-1 IAQ Testing Results


  • IAQ test results showing the project was tested one to six months after full occupancy and met the Pollutant and VOC thresholds established in Tables 10-1 and 10-2, or
  • Current RESET or equivalent ILFI-approved continuous air monitoring program compliance for 12-month occupancy period, along with post-construction test results for PM10, Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone, and Radon, demonstrating thresholds established in Tables 10-1 were met.

Should a project not meet the thresholds established in Tables 10-1 and/or 10-2 for any pollutant or VOC, they must provide a narrative describing the remediation measures undertaken to improve IAQ, and submit a subsequent retest of the noncompliant pollutant(s) and/or VOC demonstrating compliance with established thresholds.

I10-2 Photographs

Photographs that document the installation of any monitoring equipment that may not be easily visible at the time of the audit site visit (if applicable).

I10-3 CDPH Compliance Documentation

Materials Tracking Table showing all interior building products that have the potential to emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and supporting documentation and calculations showing CDPH v1.1-2010 / v1.2-2017 (or approved equivalent) compliance for 90% of Interior Building Products by cost or by volume. The Materials Tracking Table has a built-in calculator to determine 90% by cost. Project teams proposing to comply by volume will need to provide a separate calculation showing the total volume of interior building products that have the potential to emit and that at least 90% of that volume have CDPH compliant documentation. The basis for the volume calculations, such as dimensioned drawings or take-offs, will also need to be provided.

I10-4 EPA Safer Choice-labeled Product Documentation

Provide documentation showing that the project’s Healthy Indoor Environment Plan (HIEP, as required in I09) includes a cleaning protocol using only cleaning products that comply with the EPA Safer Choice label (or international equivalent, such as Globally Harmonized System, GHS).

I10-5 Access to Daylight Documentation

Plans, diagrams, and calculations showing access to views and daylight for 95% of regularly occupied spaces, as well as a narrative with photos describing how regular occupants of the remaining 5% have the opportunity to move to spaces providing compliant daylight for a portion of their day.

I10-6 Occupant Control Strategy Documentation


Non-residential Projects

A narrative, plans, photos, and diagrams demonstrating that two of the following strategies have been implemented for occupant control:

  • Sufficient operable windows to provide natural ventilation for at least six months of the year.
  • Ability for the occupants to influence their local airflow and temperature through direct input or controls.
  • Flexible options for working and learning such as sit/stand options and/or varied sensory experiences for living, working or learning.

Residential Projects

  • A floor plan showing that operable windows have been provided for 100% of the project occupants in all regularly occupied spaces.

I10 Case Study

A summary narrative describing the project team’s approach to the imperative, highlighting any lessons learned or particularly rewarding outcomes.


Projects that use Exceptions or compliance paths that are not standard for all projects must submit additional documentation per the below. Unless the exception is tied to the 12-month performance period, all exception documentation must be submitted at the Ready Audit.

I10-a Exception Narrative

A narrative explaining compliance with Exception requirements.

I10-b Product List

A list of products relevant to Exception requirements.

I10-c Advocacy Documents

Letter written to non-certified party advocating certification by the organization listed in Exception requirements; or letter written to advocate for compliance with requirements related to Imperative requirements.

I10-d Technical Documents

Contracts, legal documents, receipts, and other documents that show Exception requirements have been met.