I17-1 Universal Access Narrative

Narrative with images outlining the project team’s approach to each of the principles and guidelines of Universal Design, and outlining measures taken to provide benefit to all and to enhance the public realm.

I17-2 Universal Access Statement

Signed statement by the Architect, affirming that the project complies with ADA and ABA requirements and Universal Design principles, that noxious emissions are not present, that there are no unresolved noise complaints from the community, and that all waterways have public access.

I17-3 Solar Shading Narrative and Calculations


  • Narrative describing if any neighboring buildings are shaded, what the impacts are (if any), and how they are being addressed.
  • Diagrams demonstrating maximum shading of adjacent properties, measured on the winter solstice between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

I17-4 Waterway Access (if applicable)

Site plan with dimensions showing compliant access to waterways.

I17 Case Study

A summary narrative describing the project team’s approach to the imperative, highlighting any lessons learned or particularly rewarding outcomes.


Projects that use Exceptions or compliance paths that are not standard for all projects must submit additional documentation per the below. Unless the exception is tied to the 12-month performance period, all exception documentation must be submitted at the Ready Audit.

I17-a Exception Narrative

A one-to-two-page narrative explaining how Exception requirements were met.

I17-b ADA/ABA Documents

An excerpt of the applicable sections of ADA/ABA code and, as applicable:

  • A description of the project’s compliance with ADA and ABA exemptions.
  • An in-depth analysis demonstrating the ADA and ABA equivalence of local code.

I17-c Drawings, Plans, Graphics

Design drawings, site plans, or other graphics showing how the project meets Exception requirements.