If your model is not accurate and you still have parts that are slightly off, then use warping to make it perfect.

To enter warp,

Right click on the projector you wish to warp and select Warp.
Change the layout to Warp, and select the projector you with to Warp

To exit the warp click,

Home, or right click, Home.

Navigating the Warp

To zoom, pan and rotate the artboard use navigation modes 1,2,3.
Spacebar – Full Screen artboard with rotating of the up angle of the projector
Spacebar + Ctrl – Full screen and reset rotation.
Spacebar + Shift – Full screen without changing current rotation.
NOTE: The white arrow indicates up.

Adding Slices

To add warp slices right click where you would like a new slice and choose to add a Slice, Horizontal Slice or Vertical Slice. Where slices overlap warp nodes are created.

Selecting Nodes

Select individual node left click on them.
Select/Unselect multiple individual nodes hold ctrl + left click.
Select a large group of nodes, hold shift + left click and drag box around them.
To move to the next node. Once one node has been selected Hold Ctrl + arrows keys.
To select multiple nodes in order. Once one node has been selected Hold Shift + arrow keys.
Unselect a large group of nodes, hold shift + alt, left click and drag box around them.
Unselect all nodes press ESC.

Manipulating Nodes

To translate, rotate and scale nodes press the icons or use the (‘E’)Translate, (‘R’)Rotate, (‘T’)Scale shortcuts.
W selects the arrow tool.
Alternatively use the arrow keys to move the nodes for pixel accuracy.

Warp Properties

  • Edit Grid: In this mode you can move your nodes without warping the output. Use this to accurately position them.
  • Edit Warp: In this mode, moving the nodes with warp the content on the output.
  • Show Warp Grid on Output: Toggles the warp grid on the output.
  • Horizontal Slices: Add slices to the scene in an even grid. Changing this value will reset the warp
  • Vertical Slices: Add slices to the scene in an even grid. Changing this value will reset the warp
  • Reset Grid: Resets the grid and removes the warp.
  • Grid Colour: Changes the colour of the warp grid
  • Selected Node Colour: Changes the colour of the selected Node.