To use SHAPE with Hippotizer you first need to configure Hippotizers output manager. You are aiming to have a Hippotizer mix patch into SHAPE and then patch the output of SHAPE to a Hippotizer output.

When you first open Output Manager it will look like this. You will need to press configure.

Press the X on the default patch in the middle Patches column.

Now press Add Shape at the top of the Output Manager.

Now Select your mix make the mix the same resolution of your content and Press the patch button on the middle SHAPE patch. To patch SHAPES input

Now Select the output you want to use with SHAPE and Press Patch in the middle of the SHAPE patch.

Now press Apply Config at the top.

Now you have configured output manager it should look like this.

NOTE: Only 1 mix can be patched to Shape, this will be the default Mix and is always Hippotizer input 1. All other inputs can be assigned via the Shape Root path (Engine/Shape) and can be changed at any time.
NOTE: As stated above your mix should be set to the same resolution as your video content. However if your mix and video content are not the same resolution, you can set your layer geometry to fill as quick fix this is not recommended though.
NOTE: Now you are using SHAPE your viewport will look different. Check Hippotzer Viewport and SHAPE