Shape has a primitive Screen building tool that is best used for flat rectangular screen surfaces. The screens created will provide geometry with a 1:1 UV ready to be used.
This tool can be found in the main menu bar under Create->Screens

LED Screen Generator

Using the LED Screen Generator tool allows for custom screens to be created either by individual tile size, or overall screen size.

  • Name Set the name for the screen upon creation
  • Define by Determines how the screen is set up, either by Tile Size, or by Screen Size
  • Number of Tiles Number of tiles in both width and height. This option is available for both by tile size and screen size creation types and will create subdivisions for the screen
  • Screen Size Define the width and height of the overall screen. This option is only available when defining by Screen Size
  • Screen Resolution Define the resolution in width and height of the overall screen. This option is only available when defining by Screen Size
  • Tile Size Define the width and height of individual tiles. This option is only available when defining by Tile Size
  • Tile Resolution Defines the resolution in width and height of individual tiles. This option is only available when defining by Tile Size