All ui elements inside SHAPE are dockable elements, this means ui elements can be rearranged and placed anywhere inside the interface allowing for custom-designed interfaces.

Dockable Toolbars

Dockable toolbars are indicated with dotted lines which can be dragged out of it’s docked position to become a floating window. To redock, click and drag the window and hover over the desired area to re-dock the panel.

Dockable Toolbar docked

Dockable Toolbar floating

Dockable Toolbar redocking

Dockable Panels

All windows inside shape are now dockable panels. To undock these panels click and drag on the label for the window to move the panel out of its docked position, or click the pop-out button in the top right corner of the container. To redock, click and drag the window into a new dock-able position. These can also be docked as a tabbed container by dropping onto another docked window.

Floating Scene Tree Panel

Docking Scene Tree Panel