To view or edit an objects UV you can either right click on the object and select Edit UV or use the layout dropdown to enter the UV edit.

The aspect ratio of the image is based on the materials resolution. The image you see in the UV editor will be the material applied to the model. To apply an image to the model, goto Input manager, import an image, drag and drop the image onto a material and apply that to the model.


  • To select individual vertices simply click on them.
  • To unselect individual vertices hold ctrl and click on selected vertices.
  • To multiselect hold shift and left click drag a rubber band selection.
  • To unselect large area hold Shift + Alt and left click drag the rubber band.
  • ESC will unselect all vertices

You can move, rotate and scale UV coordinates relatively using the standard manipulation modes.

You can now select points in 2D or 3D and the selection is shared between the editing tools. Being able to select points in 3D and edit their UV in 2D can be vital for selection with overlapping or planar/frontal style UVs.