Selection Groups allow you to save your multi-selection of objects so you can easily recall them later. A multiselection can span different parent groups allowing you to change properties of any object no matter of its type or parent, it is totally seperate from parenting.


There are 2 ways to create Selection Groups.

  1. When Importing models you have the tick box option Create Selection Group which will automatically create a selection group with the name of the model file. This makes it easy to track model versions if you keep importing new model versions where model parts share the same name.
  2. The standard way is to make a multi selection of objects then press Create.


To update a Selection Group is to add or subtract objects from an existing Selection Group.

  • Select an existing Selection Group.
  • Hold control and click on objects to add or remove them from the selection, or hold shift and drag around them in the main scene.
  • Once you have modified the selection press Update.

Selecting a group.

There are 2 ways to select Selection Groups.

  1. To select a single Selection Group double click the Selection Group name, that will deselect all objects and select only that Selection Group.
  2. If you single click a selection group and press select, that will keep all currently selected objects highlighted and add that selection group.


To Deselect a Selection Group click on the Selection Group and press Deselect.

If you had a Selection Group with only projectors in it and you wanted to select everything except your projectors you could press Ctrl+A to select all objects and then Deselect the Projector Selection group.