The aim of this quick start guide is to get you outputing a cube from Hippotizer using SHAPE.

  1. Follow the Steps here: Configure Hippotizer for SHAPE
  2. Play some media on Mix1.
  3. Start SHAPE
  4. Create a Projector and a Box
  5. Move the Box so the projector can clearly see the box.
  6. Open Input Manager and add Hippotizer 1 to the materials section
  7. Apply your new Hippotizer material to the box from the Model Properties
  8. Open Network Manager and Enable the Network
  9. Your Hippotizer engine should now appear. Press the Add to group button. Close Network Manager.
  10. Open Output Manager, Select your Virtual projector and Hippotizer Output then press Patch.
  11. You will now be outputting from SHAPE through Hippotizer.

Move the box around to see its connected.