To make it easier for EPC users to do record management, they can now create records of their documents in the Documents module. This feature, allows users to create records of a folder of documents, filter the documents based on its attributes and also edit the attributes that the users wants in its records.

To use this feature, please follow the steps below:

Creating Records of a Document Set

1. Navigate to the Document module, select a set in the documents tree and click on the Details page.

2. Click on the arrow next to the Edit box. Once the extendable list appears, click on Create Records

3. The record will be created right away and the user will receive a confirmation message

Creating Records of a Document Folder

1. Follow the same steps as the Document Set, but select a Document Folder.

2. After Clicking on the Create Records button, the user will be prompted with the Select a Parent window. There, the user will choose where to create the Document Folder, if they want to filter the copy and if they want to mass update the attributes.

3. The Filter by Attributes Values form is the same as the attributes form. There, the user can select the attribute to filter the document with those characteristics.

4. If the Mass Update Attributes is not selected, then the objects are successfully copied.

5. If the Mass Update Attributes is selected, then the form Add attributes to copied objects opens after saving. There, users can edit the attributes of the copied document and save them.

6. After editing the attributes, users receive the message “All custom attributes were modified successfully”


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