The table below list all the actions a user can do using rich text editor
Icon | Name | Description |
Source | View or edit the document source code (for advanced users). | |
Print the current document. | ||
Cut | Cut the highlighted text to the clipboard. | |
Copy | Copy the highlighted text to the clipboard. | |
Paste | Paste the data copied to the clipboard. | |
Paste as plain text | Paste the data copied to the clipboard (without formatting). | |
Paste from Word | Paste content copied from Microsoft Word or similar applications. | |
Undo | Undo the most recent action taken. | |
Redo | Redo the most recent action taken. | |
Find | Find a word or phrase within the document. | |
Replace | Find and replace a word or phrase within the document. | |
Select All | Select the entire text in the document. | |
Bold | Applies Bold formatting to highlighted text. | |
Italic | Applies Italic formatting to highlighted text. | |
Underline | Applies Underline formatting to highlighted text. | |
Strikethrough | Applies Strike Through formatting to highlighted text. | |
Subscript | Subscript the highlighted text. | |
Superscript | Superscript the highlighted text. | |
Copy Formatting | Copy the highlighted text’s formatting. | |
Remove Format | Remove the formatting from the highlighted text. | |
Insert/Remove Numbered List | Create Numbered Lists. | |
Insert/Remove Bulleted List | Create Bulleted Lists. | |
Decrease Indent | Decrease the paragraph indent. | |
Increase Indent | Increase the paragraph indent. | |
Block Quote | Format a block of text to identify quotations. | |
Create Div Container | Creates a container to apply formatting beyond one block of text. | |
Align Left | Set text alignment left. | |
Align Center | Set text alignment center. | |
Align Right | Set text alignment right. | |
Justify | Justify text alignment. | |
Text Direction from Left to Right | Displays text left to right. | |
Text Direction from Right to Left | Displays text right to left. | |
Embed Media from External Sites | View or edit an URL (shorted URLs are also supported) from supported sites. | |
Table | Creates a table with the defined number of columns and rows. | |
Insert Horizontal Line | Inserts a divider line (horizontal rule). | |
Insert Special Character | Inserts symbols & special characters (accented characters, trademark, currency symbol, etc.). | |
Image | Inserts images into the document. | |
Paragraph Format | Applies paragraph formatting to a block of text. | |
Font Name | Applies a specific font to a block of text. | |
Font size | Applies a specific size to a block of text. | |
Text Color | Changes the color of the text. | |
Background Color | Changes the background color of the text. | |
Maximize | Maximizes the editor size inside the browser. |
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