Double click “Entity Designer” under the “Entities” set in the Open Application tree

Click on “Add new Entity

Save changes/Cancel changes

Name: Each entity needs an unique name that follows C# naming conventions.
Title: The title is the display value for each element.
Description: Text description of the Entity or Attribute.
Cancel: Cancel changes.
Save: Save changes.

1. Search:

Search the list of entities and their attributes by using the search box. All the titles containing the search value will be highlighted in yellow.

Click on “Next” and the next matched title will be selected; click on “Previous” and the previously matched title will be selected.

2. Entity Menu options:

Select an Entity from the list to have access to the following features:

1. Add New Entity: Add a new entity to your BPM application by selecting this option

2. Copy Entity: Copy an entity by selecting the entity in the list then click on the “Copy this Entity” button

3. Paste Entity: Select this button to paste the existing copied entity. N.B.: Duplicate entity names are not allowed; please change the entity’s title after pasting it.

4. Delete Entity: Select this button to delete the existing entity.

5. Add New Field: Select this button to create a new attribute in the selected entity.