This control provides access to a different form inside another form.

Creating the control

The nested form, must be treated like any other form.


  1. Create an entity for this form;
  2. Create the attributes;
  3. Create a foreign key to this new entity (the foreign key will be in the entity to where the nested link will be use)
  4. Create the form management for this entity;

After creating the form, the user need to create a control behavior
For more information about Form behavior Click here

Once the control behavior is created, the user can add the “Nested Link “ control to the form it will be use.

Adding the Nested Link control to the form:

  1. Add the control “Nested link”
  2. In data member, associate the foreign key

The user then needs to enable “Edit/ New/ Delete” option for the Web.

After adding the control to the form, if the form has multiple step, the user can change the behavior of the form depending of the step.
For more information about control behavior Click here

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