bpmAppService.BPMSServices.HQLService(hql) Data retrieval from the database.

Name Type of Return Input Parameter Description
ExecuteHqlQuery System.Collections.IList string query Data retrieval from the database
ExecuteHqlQuery System.Collections.IList string query, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary parameters Data retrieval from the database Example: var parameters = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(); parameters.Add(“name”, “ali”); bpmAppService.HQLService.ExecuteHqlQuery(“FROM Student WHERE Name =:name”, parameters);
GetAllByCriterion System.Collections.IList System.Type type Data retrieval from the database
GetAll System.Collections.IList System.Type type Get all records from the database Data based on the type of input object
GetDomainObject Rayvarz.BPMS.Infrastructure.DomainObject.DomainObjectBase System.Type type, System.Guid id typeof(Rayvarz.BPMApp.[application].Model.{ Entity}) Get a database record Data based on the type of input object