An action that takes place before the loading or execution of a form is called Pre-Form Action.

Defining Pre Form Action

Pre Form Actions can be defined in two ways:

1. Select “Pre-Form Action” under the “Business Logics” set in the Open Application tree

2. To execute the action, first modify the behavior in the “Form Behavior”, then select the defined action in the Advanced tab in the “Pre-Form Action” box.

3. By Clicking the New Button ,there will be two sub menus:

4. Selecting Pre FormAction will display a window with the Name, Title and Language fields.

5. Selecting PreStarter FormAction will display a form with Name, Title and Language fields.

Example of Pre Form Action :

If we have an attribute named ‘date’,and if we want that field to be automatically filled with current date, you can define a rule as given below:

domainObject.Date = bpmAppService.HelperServices.DateTimeService.CurrentDate;

This action will be carried out before the form is loaded.