In the form designer, each control, layout and row can have different state (invisible; disable or enable) depending of which step of the workflow it will be use.
This menu is available after the form behavior is created.
For more information about From behavior Click here

The majority of the time, the Control behavior section contains 5 field:

  1. Form Behavior: Select the form behavior where the state/ field validation will be apply.
  2. Control State : Will the control; Row, Section will be (Enable; disable or invisible) for the behavior selected.
  3. Control Governance: Can add field validation to this specific control or give permission (Add; New; Edit; Delete) to the Grid control; Nested Link control and Attachment Control.
  4. Initial Value: Use for DateTimePicker control only. If “current date” is selected, then the date in the web will display the today’s date and exact time the form was open.
  5. State Matrix: This will open a new window where for all existing task, the state can be change quickly.

For more information about Grid control Click here
For more information about Nested Link control Click here
For more information about File attachment control Click here