The image below shows an example of an attachment control in both single-file and multi-file modes on the web page.

1. Click on “New” to upload a file and bring up the explorer window for file selection. For single file attachment controls, the explorer window will appear immediately.

For multi-file attachment controls, the user will see a menu with 3 options

  • Select File Button: The explorer window will be opened for the user to choose a chile
  • Upload File button: By clicking this button next to each file, that particular file will be uploaded. If you select the “Upload File” button at the top of the form, all the files selected will be uploaded
  • Cancel Upload button: By selecting this button next to each file, the selected file will be cleared from the form. If you select the Cancel Upload button at the top of the form, all selected files will be deleted.

2. Download file

To download the file, select the file in the attachment element and then select this option. The file is downloaded via the browser and stored to the user-specified path.

3. Delete

To delete an attachment, select the file in the Control and then select this option.