Located in the top right corner of the One Look window.

Settings: Set One Look session preferences.
Help: Access the One Look Windows user’s guide.

Session Settings:

1. Select the icon in the top right corner of the One Look window.

2. The session settings window will display.

Available Options:

  1. Remove Date Formatting: Removes the requirement for users to enter a specific date format during image inquiry, scanning,and indexing.
  2. Remove Numeric Formatting: Removes the requirement for numeric data in numeric only fields during image inquiry, scanning,and indexing.
  3. Hide West Region after Search: After clicking the Search button in Image Inquiry, the Index Search pane will minimize leaving the list of results maximized across the screen.
  4. Combine PDF: Allows the user to que up and view multiple images as a single PDF. The Image ID: will show “Combined Image” in the bottom left corner of the display window. Combine PDF will be enabled by default.
  5. Multiple Doc-Type Search: Allows for multiple document types to be selected during image inquiry.
  6. User Email: Default email address to be used when sending email from One Look.
  7. Time Zone: Sets the default time zone.
  8. Data Type UNC/FTP/HTTP: Select UNC to view using the path \\servername or FTP to use ftp://serveripaddress/. If using FTP, a valid user id and password must be supplied under Image, Preferences, FTP Support within the RVI pc viewer, if it’s being used in conjunction with One Look.
  9. Items Per Page: Displays up to the number of records set. The default value is 50.
  10. Temporary Grid and Show in Window initial window size: Sets the default size of the pop up window when viewing temporary grid or show in window.

Help Documentation:
1. Select the icon in the top right corner of the One Look window.

2. The One Look Windows online manual will open.


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