The user signs into the One Look application.
The user initiates an HTTP POST request from within their application passing parameter values for User, Image System, Index Values, and Request Type.
HTTP Post Link for VIEW Request
In the HTTP Post Link, localhost should be replaced with the server location of the RVI directory.
type=SCAN | Open RVI PC Viewer for Scanning |
type=IMPORT | Open Browse Import Box |
type=” | Blank or Not Included in the View Request Link |
The server receives the HTTP POST request then makes the information from the request available to the user within the One Look search pane.
The user can now click to process the request.
If more than one record is found for the post data, the list of matching documents is displayed.
If only one match is found, the image is automatically displayed.
If no indexes match the requested values, the search pane displays No Indexes Found.
In our example, more than one record is found for the post data so a sub file list is presented with the matching records.
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