This process allows a customer running RVI Windows Server Applications to setup an email import process to allow their customers to email in documents to be captured into RVI. Depending on the type of documents emailed, it might be possible to automate the indexing process.
Searchable unique PDF documents can be defined within the RVI scrape maintenance to identify data within the document to be extracted and used to index the documents as they are processed. See PDF Import with Scrape for details.
Documents that cannot be identified during the import can be indexed with the email address of who intitiated the email along with the date and time the email was received. This information is specified within the Email Import Profile.
Email Import Setup:
- Download RVI Email Import Service.exe (If this feature is purchased, RVI will provide the EXE.)
The exe will download to C:\Program Files(x86)\RealVisionSoftware,Inc\RVI Email Import Service- Open RVIEmailImportSvc.exe.config in notepad.
- Update the highlighted areas as documented in RVIEmlImpSvcConfigUpd.PDF.
- Create an Email Profile.
An email profile must be created to define the company’s email process. The profile name will be your company email address. Define default indexes values as needed.
Email Import Example:
In this example, the email has 2 attachments (JPG and PDF). The PDF will be automatically indexed at import time using a scrape profile. The JPG will be placed in a batch indexing queue and assigned the default index values specified in the email profile until it can be manually indexed by the user.
email scrape profile:
email import profile:
email sent to windows application:
onelook results:
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