Step 1 – Maintain and Create a Screen Scrape Profile:
- Click Menu, Maintenance from One Look.
- Select Scrape Maintenance/Maintain Scrape Profiles.
- Position to the screen that will be used for the screen capture.
- Press the combination keys to start the process. (The default combination is CTRL+SHFT+F5)
- Select Create New Profile.
Profile Name: Name of the new screen scrape profile.
Profile Description: Description of the screen scrape profile.
System: Select the desired system code.
- Navigate to /system/SCREENSCRAPE on your server.This folder can be found wherever the /working and /optical folders are located.
Step 2 – Capture Screen Data:
- Navigate to the screen you want to scrape.
- Select CTRL + SHIFT + F5
A text file (username.txt) will be created/updated in the /systems directory on the server.
- Copy the username.txt file to the /SCREENSCRAPE folder on the server.
- Rename the username.txt file to match the screen scrape profile name. In our example, the file will be renamed REPORTS.txt
- Click Menu, Maintenance from One Look.
- Select Scrape Maintenance/Maintain Scrape Profiles.
- Select Scrape Profile: Reports from the dropdown.
- Click Search Data tab.
- Highlight/Copy/Paste the Unique Screen Identifier from the text file at the bottom of the screen into the field at the top of the screen then click Update Profile.
Unique Scrape Identifier: This will be a unique value that exists somewhere on the screen to be scraped. This value must be unique to any values defined on any other page that will be defined to the ALL applications.
Step 3 – Setup Index Definitions:
- Select Index Definitions tab.
- Select the desired definition for the index value.
In this example, the index value is located by using First Numeric After Starting Phrase.
- Press Value Maintenance button.
- Manually enter or copy/paste the constant value to be used for the index definition into the Start Phrase field.
- Press Submit.
Repeat the Setup Index Definitions process for each index value you want to define.
Step 4 – Validate:
- Click
Screen scrape is now setup and you can scrape from your application. Position to the application screen and press CTRL + SHIFT + F5.
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