There may be instances when you want to return a ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules to its “factory default” state. The procedure to do this is the following:

  1. Unplug all sensors, devices, motors, and network cables such that the only thing connected is power
  2. Press and hold the Module Replacement Button until the Module LED begins to flash and then release
  3. When the Module Status LED blinks green, the procedure is complete

Factory Default Settings

Item Value or Setting
IP Address Settings IP:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Left & Right Motor Settings Senergy ECO
Normal Braking
1 m/s Speed
CW Direction
30 mm Acceleration
30 mm Deceleration
Module Mode PLC I/O
Look Ahead & Timing Settings JAM Timer = 5.00
Auto Clear Timer = 5.00
Run After Timer = 5.00
Sensor Debounce = 0.10
All Induct Timers = 0.00
Sensors Sensors are “ON is Blocked”
Connections All are Cleared