
On this page you create variables that will be used by automation. Variable values can be accessed either by Action Collections or by scripted code and values for it can be specified either inside Execution or the Variables page itself.

For a Script to retrieve variable value it has to do this:
redwood.launcher.Launcher.variables.<Variable Name>


class TestCode{
  public void run(HashMap<String, Object> params){
    String getBrowserVariableValue = redwood.launcher.Launcher.variables.Browser;

To see how variables are used in Action Collection click here.

Add Variable
This button will generate a new variable line to enter information for.

Searches variables by name and tag.

Execution Var
If this check box is checked then it means that this variable will appear in Execution where the value for ti will be specified. If this is unchecked then whatever Value is specified on Variables page for this variable will be used by ALL executions.

Tag values for this variable.

The name of the variable has to follow the code syntax rules: No space and no special characters.

The value for this variable to be used by executions. If ‘Execution Var’ is checked for this variable then this variable will appear on Execution but it can be overridden there to whatever value execution user wants.

Possible Value
Used for ‘Execution Var’ variables, values entered here (type in value and press enter) will be part of drop down selection in Execution.

Will enable editing of this variable.

Will delete the variable.


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