Test Cases

Left Pane allows user to see, search and access Test Cases.

Opening Test Case
Double clicking on the test case will open it on the right pane.

In this field you can type in test case name or tag it belongs to and it will only display test case that match typed in value. To the right of the Search field there is a number of how many test cases are currently being displayed (so if no search is done then it means that this number represents ALL test cases in the system right now).

Filter by Status
Selecting any other Status than ‘ALL’ will only show test cases that have that value selected (eg: ‘To be Automated’) and additionally you can do a Search within it as well. This feature is useful for to see what Test Cases you need to work on or are in a working state.

Test Case Tree

Clicking on ‘Test Case Tree’ on Left Pane will bring up test cases by Tags which they belong to. A test case can have multiple Tags so it can appear multiple times.

Actions/Actions Tree

You can also see and navigate through actions on left pane for Test Cases tab so you can use them for Action Collection. Go here to get more information how to navigate left pane actions, otherwise the only difference is that double clicking on them will NOT open them (since we are in a Test Cases tab).


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