The steps to install and run Linux/Mac Server:
- Download Linux/Mac Server from here: RedwoodHQ Download Page
- Extract the Server to the directory that you want
- Open terminal and switch to a sudo user for full privileges (eg: sudo su)
- Give full privileges access to the files in RedwoodHQ directory (eg: chmod -R 777 [directory where RedwoodHQ is extracted])
- Start Server:
Go to: [RedwoodHQ directory]
Run this command: - Start Agent:
Go to: [RedwoodHQ directory]/agent
Run this command: - Server is now running as ip address:port which can be accessed through Web Browser (eg:
Go to Quick Start Guide 1 and from Execute section begin learning to use RedwoodHQ, have fun!
Stopping Server/Agent:
- Stop Server:
Go to: [RedwoodHQ directory]
Run this command: - Stop Agent:
Go to: [RedwoodHQ directory]/agent
Run this command:
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