New, Delete, Clone
New and Save
Clicking on ‘New Test Case’ button will open a new [New Test Case] tab. Click on ‘Save’ button to save it.
To delete a Test Case you have to open it first and then click on Delete button which will prompt you with ‘Delete Confirmation’ message.
To clone a Test Case and all of it’s values you have to open it first and then click on Clone button which will open to specify new Test Case name and click OK.
User can open multiple action tabs and easily navigate between them by clicking on their names or moving them around by holding left click and moving left or right.
Right clicking on any tab opens up the menu to:
Close Tab will close the tab that was right clicked on.
Close Other Tabs will close all other tabs except for this one.
Close All Tabs will close all tabs including the one that was right clicked on.
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