Select Machines
Here you can select against what machines you want your test cases to be executed against and how many threads should be used for that execution.
Host Name/IP
An actual IP address or a valid Host name of the machine where RedwoodHQ agent resides which will be used for execution. Clicking on this link will open a VNC tab of this machine.
Threads/Max Threads
You can specify multiple threads to be used by execution by putting a number which does not exceed the ‘Max Threads’ value which has been specified in Machines page for this particular box. Multiple threads is very useful where you want to run tests in parallel on a single box rather than just using 1 box per test case. Some of good example where multi-threaded execution can come in useful is API testing where there is no UI interface and typically machine can handle multiple parallel processes. Selenium also support multi-threaded execution on a single box and can be used as well, just make sure that you have valid After State selected to close the browser after it’s done with it.
RedwoodHQ Agent port as has been defined during the installation (default port is 5009).
Actions in action collection might have logic to be able to execute against multiple machines (eg: Server configuration on one while browser execution on another) and here you’ll see to what role machine belongs to as defined on Machines page. So if a test case requires two roles (eg: Server and Default) then you would need to select 2 machines for its execution otherwise you’ll get an error for these test cases saying that no machine with valid role was selected for it (to see how to define a Role for a Machine click here).
How many threads out of how many available are currently being used right now by any execution. This is to show if this machine and amount of threads is currently available for execution.
Description text as defined on Machines page for this machine.
Machine Base State
This field will contains the list of all Actions (you can type in there to do a search by name/tag) and once selected it will execute this Action only ones and then proceed to execute all selected test cases afterwards once it Passes (if it Fails then execution will stop and not execute test cases). This can be a useful option for things like preparing an environment for execution (eg: Installing/deploying specific build to environment which the test cases will use).
Base State Result
If Machine Base State action is selected then during execution run you will see the following links appear (clicking on the links will open Test Details page to see status and results of possible failure):
Running – Means that Machine Base State action is currently being executed
Passed – Means that Machine Base State action is done executed and passed
Failed – Means that Machine Base State action is done executed and failed (recommended to click on the link to see what cause a failure)
Tags which are assigned to the machine in Machine Page for ease of search.
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