I have issues with Selenium not working in RedwoodHQ, what do I do?

There is a documentation section that deals with some general Selenium tips.

Does every user needs to install RedwoodHQ in order to use it?

No, you just need to have ONE RedwoodHQ Server installed, all other users just open their browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on any OS and point to the IP address of that computer + RedwoodHQ port number (which is 3000 by default) without any additional installation required.
For example: 173.22.344.12:3000

Why do I need RedwoodHQ Agent installed?

RedwoodHQ Agent is used for two things:
1. You need to install the Agent on the machine where you are planning to execute any automation from RedwoodHQ.
2. Agent is also used by feature called ‘Looking Glass’ (in RedwoodHQ) .

I want to migrate all RedwoodHQ data from one machine (eg: My personal PC/Laptop) to another (eg: Which will now be official RedwoodHQ Server), how do I do that?

It’s a very easy process, just follow these Migration steps and you should be good to go in no time.

Can I really just upload any Java jar/Python/C# and binary I want and use it for my code like I would on any other IDE?

Yep, just follow these steps.

I have more questions, where do I get answers?

To get community support of the product or just discuss RedwoodHQ and test automation in general visit Google groups forum.


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