Once an audit has been selected for execution, this section of the New Audit Plan form will be populated with the list of requirements associated with the audit.

  • If multiple audits have been selected, all of their associated requirements will be listed in the grid (barring any duplications).

  1. Enable Testing For All: This button allows users to enable testing for all requirements in the grid.
  2. Disable Testing For All: This button allows users to disable testing for all requirements in the grid.
  3. Inline Edit: This button allows users to edit inside the grid. Here, it specifically allows users to manually select/deselect the Requires Testing? checkbox for each requirement.
    • Requires Testing?: This is a checkbox which, if enabled, allows users to establish that the requirement will need testing. Any tests that are assigned to the requirement will then be triggered during the audit execution.
  1. Export to Excel: This button allows users to export the Requirements grid to Excel.
  2. Submit Form: This button allows users to submit the form.
    • Once the audit plan has been submitted, it will be sent to the assigned team leader for scheduling.
    • In some cases, once the user has selected this button and been ejected from the New Audit Plan module, a pop-up window will appear with the following message:
      • This message serves to prevent duplicate Audit Plan IDs, should multiple audit plans be created and submitted at the same time (or within seconds of one another).
  3. Save Form: This button allows users to save the form.
    • If saved, this form can be found in the Drafts folder (shown in the image below).
      • A saved form can be found in the Drafts folder if it is the first step in a given workflow. If it is a task assigned in the middle of a workflow, the saved form will remain in the Pending Tasks folder.


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