- Ensure that at least one ATevo is configured as Primary on Port 2 or 3, and a Serial Communication Adapter (A13) is plugged into that port.
- Ensure that at least one ATevo is configured as Secondary on Port 2 or 3, and a Serial Communication Adapter (A13) is plugged into that port.
- Ensure that each Serial Communication Adapter board (A13x) used for Forced Load Sharing is configured for RS-485, and is wired correctly.
- Verify that all ATevos are communicating. The Serial Communication Adapters (A13) have a YELLOW and GREEN LED that light briefly when the ATevo is sending or receiving data respectively. These LEDs can be used to identify the problem source.
- Verify the voltage cabilbration of all ATevos connected in Forced Load Sharing.
Last modified:
2 August 2023
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