All settings can be stored onto SD Memory Card, including voltage and current set points, alarm thresholds, and relay configuration.
To copy ATevo Configuration to SD Memory Card:
MENU > SAVE:RESET SETTINGS > ‘Backup to Memory Card’
The screen will briefly confirm the file was copied successfully. The configuration file is written to a file named ATgvai00.EVO where:
- ‘g’ specifies charger family: (1) <= 25A,( 2) > 25A, (3) = 3 phase.
- ‘v’ specifies dc voltage: (A) = 12V, (B)= 24V, © = 48V, (D) = 130V, (E) = 260V.
- ‘a’ specifies dc current: (A) = 6A, (B) = 12 A, © = 16A, (D) = 20A, (E) = 25A.
- ‘i’ specifies charger ID (A-Z): per SYSTEM INFO menu.
You may use this saved configuration file to:
- Restore configuration in case someone inadvertently changes a setting and doesn’t remember the original setting.
- Clone configuration to a similar charger to eliminate need to set up parameters manually.
- Configure a replacement Main Control Board (A1) automatically.
To copy ATevo Configuration from SD Memory Card to the Main Control Board (A1):
MENU > SAVE:RESET SETTINGS >’Restore from Memory Card’
The screen will briefly confirm the file was copied successfully. The charger will restart with the restored configuration settings.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.