Error/Query Report
An Error/Query Report is generated for any form submitted with unresolved errors, any overridden errors, or has a query. Click on the Error/Query Report icon located in the form track row in the first column of the grid. It will open to the error report for that form.
To resolve an error, the user must open the form in EDIT mode. Try to determine what caused the error to generate. Many of the fields have an unknown, not reported, or not tested response that could be used as reasons for the error. If that is the case, please enter a response instead of overriding the question. If all the known options are exhausted, then it’s acceptable to use the override codes. Also enter an explanation about the error in the comment box. Then click ‘Save Now’ and the error will be resolved.
To resolve a query, please view the Queries section for details. See below for a screenshot of an Error Report.