Topics in this knowledgebase are updated on a fairly frequent basis. This page provides a simple change-log or list of significant recent changes and additions. (NB Small edits to topic can happen on a daily basis and are not listed here.)
How up-to-date is the information here?
We do try to keep the information as current as possible. However, there are numerous topics to maintain, with new products being introduced both from Davis (as in the continuing evolution of the platform) and, increasingly, the launch of Davis-compatible third-party products such the WiFi logger and the Meteobridge Nano product. So it may sometimes take a while before a new product or service is covered in full. Pages covering new products and features are typically published as soon as they provide some useful notes but often before they are complete and/or fully proofed for style, typos etc, so the newest pages may be less than perfect!
We do aim to review every topic at intervals of roughly 6-12 months, but occasionally topics may become significantly out of date – if you spot any such issue then please let us know.
June 2024
November 2023
- New content added to Airlink section.
- Further updates to Weatherlink console topic
September 2023
- Notes on rain gauge descriptions and issues being reviewed and revised.
August 2023
- Notes on third-party loggers (WFL and Meteobridge) further updated and including a topic on Custom Data Export from WFL.
- Additional tips on the 6313 Weatherlink console
July 2023
- Notes on third-party loggers (WFL and Meteobridge) reviewed and updated and reorganised into a separate third-party loggers section.
May and June 2023
- Notes on the 6313 Weatherlink console continue to be expanded and updated, including details of firmware updates to v1.2.13 on the 6313 Firmware page.
- Expanded note on understanding solar radiation data;
March 2023
- Further subtopics added on the new 6313 Weatherlink console
February 2023
- New top-level topic on “Davis Weatherlink consoles”: The introduction of the new 6313 Weatherlink console has prompted a splitting of the console-related topics into two separate top-level topics, one for the newer Weatherlink consoles, and the other for the legacy consoles.
January 2022
- New topic on how to configure uploads to 3rd party platforms such as CWOP, WOW and Weather Underground
March 2021
- Notes on finding the IP address of a network logger have been extracted into a separate topic – see: Find IP address for network loggers
February 2021
- An introduction to the v2 API for accessing data from has been created as a separate topic to the v1 API.
- Various edits to other topics have been made over preceding months, but with no substantive new topics created.
April 2020
February 2020
- A set of FAQs and options for users wishing to upgrade from obsolete Weatherlink loggers and software;
January 2020
- Notes on updating and troubleshooting WeatherlinkIP firmware have been extended and extracted in to a separate WLIP firmware topic;
October 2019
- Weatherlink Live Data Handling topic completely rewritten
September 2019
- A new – new features topic has been created to list new features as they are added to the platform;
June 2019
- Additions made to the Weatherlink Live topic
May 2019
- Understanding local WeatherlinkIP configuration topic updated
- section updated & reorganised further
April 2019
- Weatherlink Live topic added
- topic extracted into a new top-level section with new topics added
March 2019
- New process for updating WiFi logger firmware
February 2019
- ‘Advice topics’ top-level section added, covering advisory topics related to configuring or extending a Davis station and starting with a topic on expanding Vue stations.
- WiFi logger topics expanded, including steps for connecting to the Davis service
August 2018
- Complete rewrite of the FAQs page
- Updates to the main temperature/humidity page ;
- A new subtopic dealing with various temperature/humidity questions;
July 2018
- Various options for accessing 2.0 data programmatically are described in the 2.0 data handling topic;
June 2018
- The exciting new WiFi logger now has a section to itself;
- Davis’s 2.0 platform continues to evolve and to add many new users. With the pending mass migration from 1.0 to 2.0 we will aim to add new description and troubleshooting material specifically on the 2.0 platform;
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