provides the capability to upload data to, currently, three other weather platforms. These are:
- Weather Underground
- Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)
- WOW – the UK Met Office ‘Weather on Web’ platform
- (There was previously a 4th option to upload to the GLOBE program, but it isn’t clear whether this is still available. It may be restricted to schools or certain types of station only.)
Note that these uploads are available even to users with only a Basic tier account, but the available upload interval options may well depend on the plan tier that you have. So Basic tier users can typically only use 60 or 15 min intervals. You will probably need Pro or Pro+ to use 5 or 1 min intervals respectively, though of course the details may vary with individual upload platforms.
There are three main steps to setting up a new upload:
1. Take a preliminary look at the steps involved
Look at the section of where the uploads will be configured. You will not be able to set up the actual upload yet because you won’t have credentials for your target platform. But Davis have included some setup instructions for each platform which will guide you through the process of obtaining the credentials. Look for the link entitled ‘Set Up Instructions’ which provides access to a single PDF providing details of obtaining credentials for all of the third-party platforms that Davis supports. Here is a copy of the current PDF but later versions of this PDF may be available on the platform. Here is how to access the upload menu options:
- Look for and click the ‘Share and Uploads’ menu option in bold to the right on the second menu line of your page.
- Select the Upload option of the dialogue that appears.
- If you are setting up uploads for the first time then the next dialogue will be mostly blank. So just click ‘Add Upload’
- (Once you have one or more uploads enabled then you could use ‘Manage uploads’ to edit the upload settings.)
- Look at the dropdown list entitled ‘Select a service to upload to’ and click on the new service that you wish to set up.
- You will see the empty credentials that you need to supply for your new service along with the link to the setup instructions PDF.
2. Obtain the upload credentials for your target platform
This step simply involves following the instructions in the setup instructions PDF for your target platform/service to obtain some form of account ID and potentially a password or other credentials such as a key. Without having these details to hand first, you cannot set up uploads – your account would have no idea exactly where to send the data.
3. Enter the new credentials into the upload dialogue
It is obviously important to make sure that the credentials are entered letter-perfect, so copy and paste from some original source is to be preferred, You will also typically have a choice of setting your preferred upload interval. Then remembering to click the Upload button at the bottom of the dialogue should initiate the uploads. Be aware that your target platform will not always show your uploads immediately. It can take an hour or more for this to happen and some platforms seem need more data before they will show your uploads fully. So it is always worth waiting at least an hour and potentially up to a day before concluding that your uploads are not working.
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