General points

Uploads from the WFL to weather networks such as Weather Underground, WOW, Weathercloud etc generally work well, but users can occasionally have problems getting the initial setup configured correctly for individual networks. If this is the case then:

  • Check that you have definitely clicked the enable option for the particular network in the WFL web interface;
  • Check and double-check that your credentials for uploading to a network are correct and that there are no transcription errors, eg mistakenly using the letter ‘O’ rather than a zero character or vice versa, or similar potential errors, eg confusing ‘l’ and ‘1’.
  • Remember that these networks can sometimes be fickle, with Weather Underground being a particular offender. Your data may be uploading successfully but for some reason is not being correctly recognised at the far end. This may simply be the network having a bad day and not anything to do with the WFL or your settings.
  • Remember also that it may take time for your new uploads to be recognised in full. For instance, you may see current data fairly quickly but your station location may not appear on the network’s map or the charting facility may not be available until seveal hours’ worth of data have been uploaded.
  • If you cannot get a particular upload to work then it is worth trying another network. If this is not one you normally use then obviously this will require registering a new username or ID and password, but this is usually quick and simple. Weathercloud seems to be a reasonably reliable service so this may be a good one to try as a test, even if you prefer not to use it routinely.
Last modified: Feb 27, 2019


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