Error Reports

Used to check for recently submitted ACETS forms that have been returned and marked by the university with an error.

Notes Report

Used by community college ACETS representatives to view the university’s reason for denying a requested direct equivalency.

Pending / Overdue Evaluations

Shows all ACETS form submissions pending university processing. It is a good practice to regularly check pending and overdue items in ACETS.

University Status Report

Used by the community colleges and universities to view the number of course evaluation requests for all pending, overdue, completed, and total course evaluation requests.

Equivalency Reports (Source)

Used by community colleges and universities to view their course equivalencies, i.e. previous equivalency (mods only), suggested equivalency, final equivalency, and equivalency note from the universities.

Equivalency Reports (Target)

Used by community colleges and universities to view their course equivalencies, i.e. previous equivalency (mods only), suggested equivalency, final equivalency, and equivalency note. The Equivalency Reports (Target) also includes status dates for date submitted, date reviewed, and date encoded from the universities.

Activity Report

Used for a quick view of course information, equivalencies, and where each course is in the evaluation process.

Course Activity Report

Used by community colleges to view what course(s) have been reviewed/evaluated by using a custom query option of starting and/or ending date range and form type. It shows course information and university evaluation status on a course popup link.

ATF CEG Report

Used by community colleges to view only ATF-CEG Change course form information and equivalencies using custom query options.

Add/Edit Read Only Users

Used by community colleges and universities to add/edit new users to view course information. New users will gain view-only access of course information.

Import Data From File

Used by community colleges to upload a .txt file to import course information into the ACETS database. These courses are not routed to the universities, but are placed in the Saved Forms, Not Yet Sent query link on the source school query page.

Manage Action Items

Used to track requests from ACETS users and AZTransfer Facilitators to fix bugs or enhance the ACETS database.


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