Effective for catalog years prior to 2026
Students will, using writing skills, communicate information, ideas, and arguments in a clear and effective manner.
Students will use analytical methods to solve problems.
Arts & Humanities
Students will develop an appreciation of the arts.
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Students will assess the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in behavioral sciences.
Physical & Biological Sciences
Students will promote scientific inquiry using the scientific method.
Special Requirements
Intensive Writing and Critical Inquiry
Students will demonstrate critical inquiry through writing, by gathering, interpreting, and evaluating evidence
Ethnic/Race/Gender Awareness
Students will analyze the complexity of humanity and its significance for the individual and for society.
Global/International or Historical Awareness
Students will provide and understanding of local, national, and world issues and events from a global, multicultural, and/or historical perspective.
General Critical Thinking
Students will think critically, make informed decisions, solve problems, and implement decisions.
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